Title: Toto – Fermo Con Le Mani
BARCODE: 8032134026573
CAT# 02657
CAST: Toto’ , Tina Pica , Umberto Mancini
GENRE: commedia
DURATION: 78 minutes
A vagabond finally finds a job at a Beauty Institute. One day, the masseuse being absent, she disguises herself as a woman and replaces her by working on a client. It follows a scandal that threatens the relationship between the client and her friend who, present at the scene, did not react with the necessary energy. The vagabond consents, so that the man can rehabilitate himself before the lady, to be slapped in a local public with a fee agreed upon. But the quarrel that ensues leads the protagonists in the police station where the vagabond, in giving his own generality, learns to be long sought after as the sole heir of a substantial patrimony.
The charismatic Toretto, a tough but good-hearted outlaw and an undisputed king of clandestine races, after helping the inexperienced agent O’Connor in his investigations, was left free by the latter as a sign of gratitude. Now the man has taken refuge in Mexico but soon he is forced to fly to Tokyo, the new capital of illegal races, to the rescue of an old friend in trouble with the Japanese mafia ….
NOTE: in some rare cases the cover image may vary slightly, the image is for illustration purposes only
ATTENZIONE: in rari casi l’immagine del prodotto potrebbe differire da quella riportata nell’inserzione, l’immagine è solo a scopo illustrativo
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